Alachlor 10% GR |
Alachlor 50% E.C. |
Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% S.G. |
Anilofos 30% E.C. |
Atrazine 50% W.P. |
Butachlor 5% G.R. |
Butachlor 50% E.C. |
Butachlor 50%E.W. |
Chlorimuron Ethyl 25% W.P. |
Cyhalofop Butyl 10% E.C. |
Cymoxanil 50% W.P. |
2, 4-D Amine Salt 58% S.L. |
2,4-D Ethyl Ester 38% E.C. |
2,4-D Ethyl Ester 20% W.P. (Containing 2,4-D Acid 18% w/w) |
Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 9.3% E.C. |
Fluchloralin – 45% E.C. |
Glyphosate 41% S.L. |
Imazethapyr 10 %S.L. |
Imazethapyr 70% W.G. |
IPA Salt of Glyphosate 54% S.L. |
Isoproturon 75% W.P. |
Kitazine – 48% E.C. |
Matribuzin 70% W.P. |
Metsulfuron Methyl 20% W.P. |
Oxyflourfen 23.5% E.C. w/w |
Paraquat Dichloride 24% S.L. |
Pendimethalin 5% G.R. |
Pendimethalin 30% E.C. |
Piroxofop-Propinyl (Clodinafop – Propargyl) 15% W.P. |
Pretilachlor 30.7% E.C. |
Pretilachlor 37% w/w E.W. |
Pretilachlor 50% E.C. |
Sulfosulfuron 75% W.G. |
Trifluralin 48% E.C. |